Mountain Pygmy Possum

Mountain Pygmy Possum

Produced by: Vin and Wil

Client: NECMA

The Mountain Pygmy Possum recovery project is one of our all time favourite videos we have filmed. A few aspects of it made it really fun:

  1. It’s a worthwhile and meaningful story to tell.
  2. We got to be outdoors and feel adventurous.
  3. We pitched some cool ideas, and they went for it!
  4. We made a night of it, and stayed up in Mt Hotham which was awesome!

All in all it was a positive and fun project that we would love to do a follow up on, but we’ll need to wait and see if that will be on the cards or not.

The deliverables?

We sent them one 7min video, that was the main brief, but we also provided some extra videos in different formats, three all in all, if I remember correctly.

Check out!

we were called Vin & Wil at the time, we’re rebranding now…

The results?

We’d like to think the video was really well received, and did well on their youtube channel despite the low levels of engagement and lack of marketing.

This was during and in between lockdowns, so unfortunately some promotion that was organised was tossed, for example, the federal government was going to have an open night at the Murray Arts Museum Albury (MAMA), hosted by the, at the time, minister for environment. To be honest that wasn’t a huge loss, as it was a minister I’m not fond of, put it that way.

The best result for us as a production business was that we were asked by the one and only BBC to provide them some footage, so that was exciting and we look forward to seeing our footage in a BBC digital broadcast!